Home for Memories 椟忆
By Liu & Fang & Song
我们从老人的怀旧需求出发,针对预防和控制阿尔兹海默症 ,基于怀旧疗法的理论基础,以怀旧物件为媒介包括相片和老物件来进行我们的设计。我们的系列名称取自古文中柜子和匣子的意思,与我们所强调的回忆结合,从简单怀旧和生命回顾两方面呈现,分别赋予内容在“桌”“柜”“阁”三个设计方案中,意在客厅给老人的老物件一个陈列收纳和分享的空间。
Starting from the nostalgic needs of the elderly, aiming at the prevention and control of Alzheimer's disease, based on the theoretical basis of reminiscence therapy, we carry out our design with nostalgic objects as the media, including photos and old objects. The name of our series is taken from the meaning of cabinet and box in ancient Chinese, combined with the memories we emphasize, and presented from two aspects of simple nostalgia and life review. The contents are respectively given in the three design schemes of "table", "cabinet" and "Pavilion", which is intended to give the living room a space for the display, storage and sharing of old objects of the elderly.
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